Minting NFTS, How Does It Work?

Estimated read time 3 min read
  •  Non-fungible tokens (NFTs), are created using the same type of programming used for cryptocurrencies.
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Minting is converting digital data into crypto collections or digital assets recorded on a blockchain. The process of uploading a specific item to the blockchain is called minting.

NFT minting is the process of uniquely publishing your token on a blockchain to make it purchasable. In other words, minting is converting your digital file into a digital asset that can be bought or sold by adding it to a blockchain, typically that of Ethereum.

Blockchains are decentralized and aren’t owned by any central authority. Miners maintain the blockchain and mint creators’ NFTs by using their own computing power and resources, earning gas fees as an incentive in return.

Minting NFTs for free

For you to avoid fees when minting, try Lazy Minting. This is when NFTs are already existing in the blockchain and are only minted after the sale takes place. This means that the creator doesn’t have to pay the gas fees but the buyer incurs the costs.

Some marketplaces tolerate minting NFTs free (gasless NFTs). OpenSea marketplace and Rarible are popular for allowing artists to mint with no fees. The mintable marketplace also allows minting for free although it is not as popular as OpenSea.

How long does it take to mint? Converting your digital asset by submitting the file to NFT marketplaces and advertising it for sale is similar to posting a video on youtube.

How to mint in the most popular marketplace

Metamask is the most commonly used wallet, it can be created and used for free. Metamask allows users to access the Ethereum wallet through a browser extension or a mobile app. Login to the cryptocurrency wallet account to sign in to the OpenSea marketplace.MetaMask homepage to create a MetaMask wallet account

Create the OpenSea account and connect to a wallet. Set up your first OpenSea collection by going to your Profile icon on the upper right, and click on My Collections. Then, Create a single NFT, or click on Create a Collection. Anything can be an NFT this includes sports memorabilia, a piece of art, even a tweet, even real estate, song videos avatars, and more.

The next step is to select the polygon network to make sure you are minting a gasless NFT, Ethereum gas costs can be quite high. The polygon network was established to connect and grow Ethereum-compatible projects and blockchains.

Related: WHAT IS AN NFT?

Polygon functions primarily through Commit chains, which are transaction networks that operate adjacent to the main blockchain, in this case, Ethereum. The Commit chains bundle together batches of transactions and confirm them en masse before returning data to the main chain

Begin minting NFTs by clicking on the collection, and then on the Add item option. This will open up the form. Upload the piece of media that you want to convert into an NFT. Click on Create.

Click on Create and wait for the NFT to be minted



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