Conflux 101: The Key to Unlocking High Throughput and Scalability

Estimated read time 3 min read
  • Conflux Network is a public, permissionless blockchain network that uses a unique consensus mechanism called Tree-Graph.
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Conflux Network: A Scalable, Secure, and Interoperable Blockchain

Conflux is a public, permissionless blockchain that aims to solve some of the scalability issues faced by existing blockchain networks. It was founded in 2018 by a team of computer science professors from top universities in China, including Fan Long, a professor at Tsinghua University, and Turing Award winner Andrew Yao.

Conflux Network is the only state-endorsed public blockchain operating in China at this time.

What Problems Does Conflux Network Solve?

Conflux Network aims to solve the following problems:

  • Scalability: Conflux Network uses a unique consensus mechanism called Tree-Graph to achieve high transaction throughput without compromising on security or decentralization.
  • Security: Conflux Network uses a Byzantine fault tolerance (BFT) consensus mechanism, which ensures that the network can continue to operate even if a certain number of nodes are compromised.
  • Interoperability: Conflux Network is designed to be interoperable with other networks, allowing for the seamless transfer of assets and data across different blockchains.
  • Programmability: The Conflux (CFX) network provides a suite of advanced developer tools to streamline Dapp development.

How Does the Conflux Network Operate?

The Conflux Network uses a unique consensus mechanism called Tree-Graph. This is a directed acyclic graph (DAG)-based consensus mechanism that allows for parallel processing of transactions. This makes Conflux Network highly scalable, capable of handling thousands of transactions per second.

The Tree-Graph consensus mechanism is also very secure. It uses a Byzantine fault tolerance (BFT) algorithm to ensure that the network remains secure even if a certain number of nodes are compromised.

Conflux (CFX) Token

The CFX token is the native token of the Conflux Network. It serves several functions within the network, including:

  • Cryptocurrency: CFX can be used as a cryptocurrency to make payments or to store value.
  • Store of value: CFX is a deflationary asset, meaning that its supply is limited. This makes it a good store of value.
  • DeFi: CFX can be used to participate in DeFi applications on the Conflux Network.
  • Governance: CFX holders can vote on proposals that affect the future of the Conflux Network.


Conflux Network is a promising blockchain project that has the potential to solve some of the scalability issues faced by other blockchain networks. It is a secure, interoperable, and programmable blockchain that is well-positioned to become a major player in the blockchain space.

Here are some of the key benefits of Conflux Network:

  • Scalability: Conflux Network is highly scalable, capable of handling thousands of transactions per second.
  • Security: Conflux Network is very secure, using a Byzantine fault tolerance (BFT) algorithm.
  • Interoperability: Conflux Network is designed to be interoperable with other networks.
  • Programmability: The Conflux (CFX) network provides a suite of advanced developer tools to streamline Dapp development.

If you are looking for a scalable, secure, and interoperable blockchain, then Conflux Network is a good option to consider.

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